Overcoming Binge Eating

Overcoming Binge Eating
The steps to
overcoming binge eating are many.
But most of them have
to do with your Decision and what you hope
to do with your life.
If you see yourself as a
contributor to the progress and success of many, the tendency is to try to live up to the positive demands placed
on you by family, friends, and others.
Even if at the moment you see yourself far from the above, many are still
looking for someone to take the lead and show them the way.
This may be in a huge area or in a small area.
The important thing here is your decision to contribute, to add value.
Binging was an initial sweet experience that turned sour to me later.
When I first stopped binging, the temptation to go back came many times.
One thing that kept me going was the knowledge of the effect of binging
and overeating on my body and heart.
I Want To Live Long
I didn’t want to die
young. I still have a lot to do to contribute.
The destiny and
success of many are tied to mine.
I couldn’t afford to let
them down.
This helped.
Binge - A Dream KillerSo, I saw yielding to the temptation as an attempt to kill my dreams.
Initially, the pull was very strong.
As I kept to my promise to me, the pull waned in strength.
Until, it had no more power over me.
Enlist The Help Of A FriendAnother method you could use is to enlist the help of a faithful friend.
This person helps to remind you Not To.
Well, this works well if you respect the person and are willing
to obey as commanded.
Employing DrugsSome victims use drugs like fluoxetine and other antidepressants to
reduce binge eating.
Some also use appetite suppressants.
These may work for a while.
Win Your BattlesBut many have attested to the fact that killing passion for
Binging personally from within is the best approach.
You really know you have put this eating disorder behind you if
you are able to stand the sight of foods and yummies without
feeling a sense of loss at not eating them.
Use ExercisesAdd a simple aerobic exercise regimen to your daily schedule.
This sure helps.
In stop binge eating you have more info.
You are welcome to the site of a victim of binge who also moved into
The website is filled with a lot of helpful info.