Symptoms Of Bulimia

Symptoms of Bulimia
Are Many. They may not be experienced all at the same time.
Most bulimics
experience them over time.
Initially, everything may
seem to be going well.
And you may even be thrilled at the feeling of having
every thing in check.
You eat all you want, how you wish and as many
times as you desire.
Then, since you also wish to keep shapely and not
gain any weight from the foods you ate, you ensure
everything goes out fast: through the mouth by
vomiting or through the anus by use of enemas, laxatives
or diuretics.
On top of all that you add vigorous exercise regimen.
Soon, these other symptoms appear:-Compulsive overeating
and binging
-Teeth decay and losses
-Damaged gums
-Dry skin
-Brittle hair and hair loss
-Brittle nails
-Excessive weakness
-Mouth and body odor
More symptoms?
-Mouth and throat sores
-Excessive distorted self-image
-Irregular heart beat
-Sores on knuckles
-Loss of control over eating and purging
-Excessive lying about this eating disorder
-Isolation and Loneliness
Some more:
-Abnormal bowel functioning
-Regular changes in weight
-Irregular menstruation
-Many visits to the bathroom soon after eating
or while eating
-Drug abuse. The use of laxatives is not subject
to any medical advice but as you desire and according
to how fast you want the foods out
-Forced fasting as a result of protracted binge episodes
-Feelings of guilt and shame
-Kidney and heart problems
-Death. This is the most dreaded
Bulimia is a wasteful eating disorder and the symptoms
of bulimia listed here indicate that this lifestyle
does nobody no good. It wastes money, wastes body and
eats away life.
I beat bulimia, I quit bulimia.
You too could walk out on bulimia!

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